Praying for your friends in the earthquake zone. The news out of there has just been heartbreaking this week.

Tough to hear about the amv guy. My first experience with amvs was in college, and they were pretty dope.

I liked your analysis of the ai cycle and how it will play out much like the other tech cycles and with content creators ending up likely getting less than they do now.

30 Rock jokes hold up (except for the racist ones). I'm sure it won't be the last time to read about them coming true from @ryanpornstar.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

The problem with AI is, as you noted, that 90% of everything is already bullshit, so having a bullshit generator means we can now automate 90% of routine life. Which is OK I guess in the same way that we only use a small percent of our brains? I don't know, work with me here, people!

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I feel like Google search was already suffering over the years and a pivot to AI certainly won't help that.

This would be a great time for DuckDuckGo or any search alternative to differentiate themselves as a chatbot-free search engine, focused purely on providing relevant links to search requests.

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Thank you for the relief fund link. As a Turk lives far from the earthquake, I can really say life stopped in the whole country, we focused on the earthquake zone and every dollar no matter how small it is can really help it out. Thank you again.

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Great article here! I thought your list of predictions was well thought out. Especially 4 and 5. Going to be pointing people to this in my next post.

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I'm very tickled by the bee movie script meme making it from Tumblr to Mastodon (notoriously bypassing character limitations) and over to Twitter. Maybe soon you'll be able tell when/where someone started online by asking them where they first saw someone copy-paste the script it in its entirety.

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You might be interested to learn about vidding, which predated and was a bit orthogonal to amv but similar. There’s a book (i’m in it), we did it with VCRs too. (ETA: fandom old history, still being done but digitally of course.) https://www.amazon.com/Vidding-History-Francesca-Coppa-ebook/dp/B09S177VLJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2ET7TYKUCAO17&keywords=francesca+coppa&qid=1675889340&sprefix=francesca+coppa%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-2

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Does this mean Arts stopped in 2023, as AI would just be a remix of older stuff and Humans won't bother create new shit because AI is more efficient?

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