https://ainowinstitute.org/ hi Ryan, just wanted to share this link on this institute regarding your last garbage day on AI implications- might have a little more interesting research than brookings :) thx!

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I bought something from RIISE and have stayed on the mailing list as I like to hate read their emails. The formatting is mind bending and included are articles like, “The lazy person’s guide to making a huge impact on climate action (without leaving the couch)" and “8 non-depressing climate books that won’t ruin your weekend vibes". TBH fake oil company seems right in their wheelhouse.

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This is great stuff, thank you! Side note: looking forward to trying out Bing's AI.

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Is there any place to find the discord invite link for subscribers? I've had a good look on substack and in my email, and I can't find it anywhere! Thanks!

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That's not hobbit mode, this is:


You can go “goblin mode,” but I’m going to go “hobbit mode”: walking around barefoot in a comfortable home, eating more than three meals a day, splitting my time between tending my garden and writing, and occasionally getting pulled into an adventure by an old wizard.

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I loved the Rhianna thing! A lot of people were pointing out the smash bros. reference.

Great breakdown on the twitter stuff. I liked the angles you took on it, Elon and other billionaires trying to buy people liking them, possibly charging to block, and staffers having to explain to Elon why he's not more popular without getting fired. There has been a lot of speculation about potential twitter death nails, charging to block seems like the right one.

The fake oil company thing was awesome. Felt like one of those things you guys would cover on thecontentmines. Seems like they were trying to capitalize on that trend a week ago about people posting at their workplace/or getting fired.

Agree criticism is more important than ever. Love the Tumblr update with how polling is working over there though vanilla extract will never be as popular as @ryanpornstar.

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haha, what a pleasant surprise to find myself in one of my favorite substacks! thanks for sharing "Hobbit mode"

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