corecore is if Adam Curtis did TikTok

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I thought those oysters looked pretty good

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Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

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You completely blew me away. I emailed this essay to three friends, and I plan to read it five more times this week. Each time, I will love it more more. https://basketball-stars.co/

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You absolutely blew my mind, I've sent this piece to three people, I am going to read this 5 more times this week and love it more each time

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I was wondering about the rotisserie chicken guy. Seems like a good egg. We need more rotisserie chicken guys in this world. thanks for writing

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Hey Ryan, loved your video. Very relatable. Your ending message is something I really like: just make what you feel like making. Sounds like a Tumblr Manifesto, or as I heard in web 1.0 days, "let a thousand blogs bloom."

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Corecore seems like video editing the stream of consciousness of a dream. I kinda dig it.

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If I become a "location independent entrepreneur" does that mean I should also be promising AI enlightenment? Oh the moral angst of being a futurist. It's killing me!

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“My Dinner With Andre” actually does stand up on multiple viewings! Give it a try!

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Cool stuff here! I liked the meal thing, and I thought the addition of polls to a place like tumblr will lead to that community making more great content.

I liked the sentence on the corecore thing, that it's like a lost civilization remnant or ai. I feel the same way about it.

I'm a bit surprised you didn't cover the Stephen crowder $50 million dollar deal, not so much for the right wing beef but for whether the numbers make sense. Mr beast pulls down supposedly 30 mil a year, and the idea that the right wing chud market is around a third of that seems high.

Will check the new youtube channel, looks cool! Safe guess you didn't pick @ryanpornstar for that one.

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