I got 2 paragraphs into that SBnation article and started to check myself for any other stroke symptoms.

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Lol. Here’s a better explaner from the Defector.


Or as he says in the article (it’s a *self interview*)

“ OK. I think that’s all. I wasn’t really interested in all of this, but I now know a lot of pointless information! ”

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I'm raising my children Amish so they never have to suffer like I did.

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I was just checking out SEO services at https://sportsbookbacklinks.com/backlink-building-strategies/ and it I suddenly remember this post. Metaverse is complicated and interesting at the same time, I hope to learn more about it. I like reading insightful articles like these on the site.

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Oh, I love providing facts. Let me join in. One fact about metaverse that blew my mind is that in the metaverse, users can engage in various activities, including gaming, shopping, attending virtual events, exploring virtual landscapes, learning, and even working remotely.

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Same here. Well if you want to know one fact about the metaverse, it is that is continually evolving and expanding. It encompasses various platforms, games, and virtual worlds such as Second Life, Fortnite, Decentraland, and Roblox.

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The Baby Gronk content left me wondering whether children are legitimately being evaluated for their potential as future NFL players? Because that seems both (1) sad and dystopian and (2) something the sports world would definitely do.

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Always interested in how long it takes things to cross over to various internet universes. I’m solidly in sports girlie Tumblr/TikTok/Instagram, which exists adjacent to the barstool universe but is culturally distinct enough to be its own space online. And the Baby Gronk hangs out with Livvy Dunn! Is Baby Gronk signed to LSU 😱!? Peak content posted about happened three months-ish ago for me in terms of internet content.

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“genital-free cartoon corpo blob”


I won’t miss you, Metaverse.

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You heard of a startup called Humane.ai? Looks like they want to build a screenless smart phone type thing with ai embedded in it. Audio fed via bluetooth, but how do you generate privacy when the Screen has to be projected on Something for one to interact with it? Nevermind having a wearable device with always on microphone and camera right on the front of ones jacket experiencing ones lifetime much like the cops are forced to wear for accountability purposes. No Thanks!

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I didn’t think normal guy was a serial killer until he poured his beer straight to the bottom of the glass.

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I think it's too early to say the metaverse is done. Apple has focused on the personal part of tech to the point where iPads are still locked to one user only, and Apple has never been good at social. I think it's far more likely that some company (maybe even Facebook) develops the metaverse as an app that you use the Vision Pro to connect to rather than a standalone product. Ben Thompson talks about how the iPhone camera led to Instagram and Snapchat; GPS on the phone led to Uber, and so on. Now and then, Apple allows the developers to build apps that they end up duplicating themselves in the future. I could see them watching what others build, take the best features or buy the company, and then build their own branded version.

Matt Belloni (Puck) and Bill Simmons talked briefly about the future of media on the latest episode of Bill's podcast. With the writer strike and the way things are going for cable/streaming in general, it sounds like there is going to be a major contraction of channels and platforms in the coming decade. Ben Thompson has talked about it on the Sharp Tech podcast with a focus more on sports and cable bundle.

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I think you forgot about the HoloLens Ryan..

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I wish more journalists would make a distinction between zuck’s “Metaverse” and the (much older) idea of a metaverse. I do agree that apple has effectively killed any chances of Facebook owning the entire space, but I believe a metaverse of some sort is absolutely still coming, we’re just not as close as Meta would have us believe. At $3500 it is still priced as a developer kit, in 1-2-X generations when price drops and the design improves, adoption will suddenly skyrocket and everyone who has a headset is going to figure out the best way to hang out together virtually, it’s inevitable.

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I want the headset gimmie the headset

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you fail to mention that the normal guy is hot

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This was an especially good and witty piece. I especially like the part about Apple's vision pro and your take on VR. So they have sensors inside that can approximate your mood and cognitive state and anticipate your actions. This immediately means apple will become a leader and advertising. Why would I go to a screen if I can have a better experience there? why would I not be watching TikTok s inside of a Bytedance Pico device? Is VR and AI promises me higher productivity? Who am I to argue with them?

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> To be clear, I don’t mean it’s “bad” ideologically.

Let me be clear: It's also bad ideologically, and antiamerican.

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I'm sure you're probably already aware/working on something about this, but a ton of major subreddits have announced planned blackouts to protest the upcoming Reddit API changes.

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Question for Ryan: what do think the chances are that Tribel becomes a viable alternative and replacement to Twitter? Or just a platform that has a good, critical mass of users? Would putting some money into their crowdsourced funding initiative be a waste? It has a simplicity and familiar to it that Mastodon and BlueSky don’t - people don’t want to have to choose a server and be miss out on other servers etc. Thoughts?

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