omg hannah jannol is one of my best friends????? this is wild lol

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I went to the QTs on the poli-sci tweet and needed to scroll through like 50 before I got to anything that I'd qualify as mean much less "violent." Most of the QTs I saw were variations of "it's me" or "this is so British."

So I wonder if you (Ryan) are getting served crueler QTs as part of your algorithm. Which, maybe, would be the rare example of Twitter serving one of its users effectively. Or maybe I'm just late and the tides have turned on the poli sci girl.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

ATP appears to be decentralized in roughly the same way that Discord is decentralized: No it's not, they're just calling it different servers and hoping you're too ignorant to notice.

If Bluesky was serious about decentralization and interoperability, they'd have used ActivityPub and given you a download link to the software needed to start your own server. Like this is just a settled matter at this point. Not going with ActivityPub is like trying to host email and *not* supporting SMTP at this point. Like, yeah, you can do it. No, nobody's ever going to receive it.

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Dreamwidth was a Livejournal clone platform made expressly for fandom by people from the community; unfortunately it debuted right around the time fandom was emigrating to Tumblr in favor of gifs and shitposts over long form text. (And fandom has never really been the same since, which is a whole other story—I’m constantly seeing people trying to use Twitter in ways that really need a blogging platform, and let’s not even discuss what a mess Discord has been).

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The best part of that very good dilbert/punisher shirt is that its described as a simpsons shirt in all those images.

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"What I’d love to see is an existing fandom or internet community build their own platform for their own needs."

You realize that's ActivityPub, right? Like, that's where the furries are going.

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Do people really use Tumblr? It feels wildly overrepresented in these newsletters relative to how much I ever hear about it

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I found your this post while searching for some related information on blog search…Its a good post. Keep posting and update the information. https://gorillatag.io

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Excellent post as usual. I also appreciate the advice on the Dull Men's Club. Just my internet speed, please. https://geometry-dash.io/

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I liked the Sam Altman point, and may do that with long complex stuff I have to read from now on.

Appreciate you continuing to cover the twitter alternatives even though at this point if you're looking for an alternative you've already left. Jack ripping off mastadon seems like most tech geniuses have around 1 or 1.5 ideas total.

The Delbert punisher symbol was amazing. Too bad one can't wear one ironically.

Yes the millenials are owned in that graphic but at least one will never be owned in @ryanpornstar.

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Nice post, as always. And thanks for the tip about Dull Men's Club. That is just my speed of internet.

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